Although it’s common for women to experience bladder leakage after pregnancy and childbirth, it doesn’t mean that women who have never been pregnant are in the clear. Bladder control problems can occur unexpectedly at any age, whether or not you’ve had a baby.
Incontinence is your body’s way of telling you there’s something wrong. The exact cause of incontinence can be difficult to pinpoint as there are many factors that can play a role in your bladder problems. Sudden urinary leakage can be due to a new medication you’re taking, or maybe you have a urinary tract infection (UTI). You could be dehydrated or maybe you’re drinking too much coffee or tea.
Whatever the underlying cause may be, you won’t know until you visit your doctor. Before you make an appointment, make sure to note when you started experiencing incontinence symptoms, what you’ve been eating and drinking lately, and what kind of activity you were doing when leakage occurs. Depending on the cause, your doctor may suggest various incontinence treatments, which may include bladder retraining, strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, or simply changing your diet.